
Megalopolis Toys, headquartered in South Salt Lake, Utah, is a privately held company that has been a force in the world’s pop culture lifestyle since 2017. Its unique approach in its business, wherein customers aren’t really customers but “citizens” in its “City of Collectibles,” shows just how much love the company has for toys and everything these toys represent. 

One of the biggest strengths of Megalopolis Toys is how much the company promotes a community among collectors, much like car enthusiasts have their own tight-knit groups.  And this is a huge deal as the company brings together its citizens and varied suppliers.

The company’s customer service, shipping treatment, and loyalty rewards are all world-class, guided by intuitive technology.  It is quite rare nowadays to run into a business that provides the community-centered experience that Megalopolis Toys provides.

And because Megalopolis Toys deals heavily online, it has released a series of videos and blogs that touch on pop culture, toys, collectors, collectibles, and everything in between – for customers young and old alike.

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